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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Track 1
B. New Life in Christ
2. The Holy Spirit in our new life
Why must the Holy Spirit come into the life of a believer in Christ?

Once we believe in Jesus Christ, we are a new creation in God's eyes.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Once we accept Christ, our body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit, whom we receive from God. Now, we rightfully belong to God and we are his.
1 Corinthians 6:19

But why is it that God has to send the Holy Spirit down into the life of a believer in Christ?
1) To bring us out of darkness(spiritual darkness) and into God's light.
Ephesians 5:33
2 Corinthians 4:4-6 >>> The god of this age(refering to satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, disallowing them to understand spiritual truths and matters. But verse 6 says that God made his light shine in our hearts, overcoming darkness and allowing us to understand the truths and knowledge of God.
Romans 8:11 >>> God will give life to our mortal bodies through the Holy Spirit who leaves in us, just as Jesus was raised from the dead.
2) To let us know that we belong to God
Ephesians 1:13-14 >>> When we heard the gospel and believed in Christ, we were marked with a seal, the Holy Spirit, a seal which marked us as one of Christ's family.
3) To lead and guide us
Romans 8:14
How does the Holy Spirit guide us?
3.1) The written word of God
John 14:26
3.2) The spoken word of God
- sometimes the Holy Spirit may reveal truths to a person in the form of voices from God or deep feelings.
I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:17b-18
This sermon notes in taken by me, any error is entirely mine. If there is anything wrong with it or I left out anything, please notify me by posting it in the comments section. Also, feel free to discuss about anything related to this sermon or clarify your doubts here in the comments section. Thanks a bundle.
Yours in Christ,
Joshua Sim
Posted by: Joshua Sim

praise the Lord
10:12 PM


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Track 1
B. New Life in Christ
1. What it means to be born again?
Why must we be born again?

Lets go back to the time Jesus was born.
Matthew 1:18-21
Matthew 1:24-25
It clearly states that Jesus was conceived through the Holy Spirit. This can be seen
repeatedly in 3 verses, namely verses 18,20 and 25.
Luke 1:34
Jesus is born of a virgin. NOT from a relationship between two people. (in this case, Joseph
and mary.)
Romans 5:12
It clearly states that we have sin as long as we came from a relationship. This is due to our
bloodline up til Adam. As such, we carry his sin.
Psalms 51:5
Psalms 58:3

We must be born again.
Because of our first birth which has been marred by the sin of Adam, it is necessary for us to be born a second time.
By believing in Jesus.
Only the pure and sinless blood of Jesus can cleanse us.
1 Corinthians 15:22

So what does it mean to be born again?
It is to be birthed into a new life in Christ.
John 3:1-5
Revelation 20:11-15

This sermon notes in taken by me, any error is entirely mine. (Bro Poo Kin, sorry for stealing your line.) If there is anything wrong with it or I left out anything, please notify me by posting it in the comments section. Also, feel free to discuss about anything related to this sermon or clarify your doubts here in the comments section. Thanks a bundle.

Yours in Christ,
Aloysius Lee

Posted by: Aloysius Lee

praise the Lord
10:23 AM


Monday, April 7, 2008


First service at the new place... wow, its really good... I know He is there, can feel Him working in that new place... Thank God for the blessing... I believe for more to come into Blessed Grace church... Lets believe in it together !!! Amen ???

Posted by: Andrew

praise the Lord
12:56 PM


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lorem ipsum ridens feugiat pertinacia et his, elitr doctus tincidunt ut his! Eam ei movet postea inimicus, dolor apeirian eos ex. Vim audiam efficiantur at, eos ex sint phaedrum lobortis, vitae splendide cum ea! Ut sea honestatis omittantur comprehensam, nam ornatus principes gloriatur ne, eam ad magna veritus. Eum ut sanctus insolens adversarium, id mutat democritum est, pri in decore vocibus oportere. Ex odio erat impetus his, minim similique ius te, ei alii inermis detraxit pro.

Mei omnis clita tamquam et, vis justo omittantur ullamcorper ne! Vim elitr libris nostrud ne, ut ius fabellas instructior. Hinc appellantur ad ius, ex aliquam corpora scaevola vis? Etiam choro epicuri ut ius, atqui eirmod ocurreret vel eu, porro semper verear ne est! No sed atqui tincidunt! At sit movet elitr, vel et equidem pericula tractatos. Vel ex unum latine salutatus, ei nec quod audire discere.

Alia semper sed no, alii summo urbanitas in eum. Vitae propriae consulatu at nam, pro ridens semper id, has cu vidit ocurreret explicari. Mea diceret sensibus volutpat eu, dolore torquatos moderatius ei mel! Id animal invenire persecuti eos, ne omnis facer diceret usu. Mei tempor recteque gubergren ex, audiam facilis cotidieque pro ei.

Eam ne dicam aperiri. Eum mutat similique at? Vis soluta molestie et, sed ex illum mnesarchum! Mel vidisse appellantur te, qui dicat impedit periculis an. Civibus voluptatum per ei, ut quot signiferumque sit? Feugiat convenire sed te, in ius ignota iriure consulatu.

Sed populo civibus ne, prompta apeirian ad est, vel ullum dissentiet no! Eum facilis invidunt ex, his fugit nullam principes te, per repudiare persecuti id? Quem esse legimus sed at, ad eos aperiri deserunt? Te vix porro choro insolens!

Qui ea odio sanctus accumsan, et duo sale solet doctus. Qui stet populo causae ex. Ut augue patrioque eum, ex qui adhuc dolor? Nisl vocibus cotidieque cum ad, elitr commune eam no? Ex est ipsum tritani epicurei, eum ei accumsan comprehensam. Persecuti intellegat nec an, est id eros nobis, oblique intellegebat vis at. Quot iudico iudicabit in eum, duo ne eligendi liberavisse, mutat invidunt eam no.

In simul torquatos mei, facer consul euripidis eum.

Posted by: Aloysius Lee

praise the Lord
1:23 AM


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to revive the spirit
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